Monday, August 22, 2022

Harriet's twelfth novel, due out in November!

Many of you by now will be familiar with Harriet Steel’s Inspector de Silva mystery series... 

Harriet Steel

Harriet’s twelfth book in the series, Stardust in Nula, is scheduled for a November publication. It features Inspector Shanti de Silva, a middle-aged policeman who moved from the island's capital, Colombo, to the beautiful hill country in search of a more peaceful life for himself and his British wife, Jane.  The landscape is idyllic, with the vibrant green of tea plantations cloaking the hills, lush trees and flowers, and abundant wildlife. But even in the midst of this paradise, murder and mayhem are never far away, and life isn’t as quiet as Inspector de Silva had planned.

Harriet says, “Writing a series has its challenges, and if I’m honest, I never expected this one to run to so many books. However, it’s been a delight to see how readers have taken Shanti and Jane and their world into their hearts.  Their appetite for more stories doesn’t seem to diminish, and so as long as that’s the case, I’m happy to dream up new adventures. I aim to give readers an entertaining puzzle to solve in the style of Agatha Christie without a lot of gore. "

'Stardust in Nuala' is due out in November

"As far as inspiration goes, I feel that I know my characters pretty well by now. When they start jumping about on the page,  ideas usually flow quite easily. In the case of Stardust in Nuala my starting point was the film world. I expect most people have heard of Bollywood, but it’s perhaps less well known that India had a thriving film industry long before Bollywood, with all its glitz and glamour, burst on the scene in the 1960s. It was lots of fun researching this earlier period.

I can’t really reveal the inspiration for the novel’s subplot without giving too much away, so I’ll just say that it was sparked off by a report I saw of a very strange but comical incident that happened a few years ago in Vancouver.” 

All Harriet’s books are available via Amazon, and you can find out more by visiting her website at:

Other books in The Inspector de Silva mystery series

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Coming soon, Lelita's new novel, 'A Machine of Fingers'...

Woking author Lelita Baldock is currently preparing her fourth novel, A Machine of Fingers, for publication through her agent, InterSaga. 

Lelita Baldock

Lelita's new book is set at a crossroads in the history of France as the country strives to heal from the excesses of the French Revolution. A Machine of Fingers is intended to be a dramatic page-turner based on unexplored history, driven by intrigue and powerful female protagonists. 

A historical fiction mystery with elements of women’s fiction, Lelita says that her new novel should interest readers who enjoy stories derived from history that are seated in raw reality. It uncovers the little-known impact of the French Revolution and the race to mechanise textiles on the female lace-workers of France. 

Lelita has also been busy with many other projects; she’s in talks to arrange a book signing event in Richmond, Surrey, that will also be open to her fellow authors. She has also been invited as a guest speaker to an audience at a Historical Fiction retreat in Spain and is frantically looking at dates and whether this will be something she can readily accept. There are also a series of Literary Festivals coming up in London during September and October that she hopes to attend.

Lelita has also recently re-released her crime fiction novel The Unsound Sister with an eye-catching new cover in preparation for a sequel.

Lelita's New Book Cover


Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Introducing Marisa Noelle and her latest novel, The Unraveling of Luna Forester

The Woking Writers’ Collective is pleased to welcome Marisa Noelle to the blog. Marisa, who is based in Woking, is the writer of middle-grade and young adult novels in the genres of science-fiction, fantasy, horror and mental health. 

Marisa Noelle

With dual citizenship, Marisa has lived on both sides of the Atlantic and uses settings in both the USA and UK as inspiration for her novels. When she’s not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. Ocean, lake, or pool, she’s not fussy, as long as she can pretend she’s a mermaid.

Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could hold a book, being an author was a bit of a surprise as she was a bit of a science geek at school. She lives in Woking, in the UK, with her husband and three children. She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring MG and YA authors. 

Her latest published title is The Unraveling of Luna Forester…


When his best friend Luna is found catatonic after a devastating house fire, Matthew begins to fall apart.

“Take care of them, Matthew.” – “Always.”

“Protect my secret.” – “Of course.”

That’s the promise he made to her only three nights ago. A solemn vow to protect their large found family of humans and supernatural creatures alike.

Fated to love her for the rest of his life, and unwilling to break his solemn vow, Matthew knows the only person who can help Luna is her grandmother. Through the woods they must go, just like a fairytale. But the forest is filled with deadly peril: poisonous black moss, chimeras, and worst of all, members of their family who don’t want them to continue.

As they are picked off one by one, Matthew races to get Luna to safety, all the time doubting everything he thought was true.

Can Matthew untangle the twisted threads of Luna’s secret before he himself unravels?

Review from The Book Life Prize (Publisher’s Weekly): "The Unraveling of Luna Forester is an intense and inventive story with paranormal elements and psychological depth. Readers will easily engage with the well-staged narrative and welcome its plot twists."

"Writing in clipped sentences, the author immediately creates tension and intrigue. The conversations among the many characters are natural and drive both character development and propel the storytelling."

"Noelle integrates familiar fairy-tale and fantasy elements while also maintaining a high level of originality and unpredictability."

"The author does a fine job of developing her characters and their relationships while maintaining the degree of mystery surrounding the protagonist in the aftermath of overwhelming loss."

Marisa’s other books: The Shadow KeepersThe Unadjusteds Trilogy (The Unadjusteds, The Rise of the Altereds, and The Reckoning), The Mermaid Chronicles – Secrets of the Deep & Quest for Atlantis, & The Unravelling of Luna Forester.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

In the pipeline...

Since the blog was launched in March last year, a unique family of locally based authors has formed with many of us bonding and becoming firm friends.

The aim of the blog has always been to support Woking’s very talented independent authors, post-publication and help them to promote their latest titles. To this end, the venture has been successful, with an authors' meet-up in October, 2021 and a recent joint book signing event at Woking's Lionsheart bookshop and cafe. 

H.G. Wells inspired, Martian tripod, Woking

Now, there is a hunger to find out more. What do our authors have in the pipeline?

Each of our writers are preparing updates for us to enjoy, so, look out for exciting news from Lelita Baldock, JRC Cox, Sue Mackender, Harriet Steel, and myself, Mal Foster.

New books are on the horizon and close to publication, others are right back at the research stage while even further back, some of us are still looking up into thin air for inspiration.

Sometimes, as an author, you never know where the next book is coming from, but rest assured, those golden nuggets of fiction, non-fiction and poetry will come, and I promise, there will be plenty for you all to enjoy from Woking’s finest in the not too distant future. 

The Woking Writers' Collectiv