Monday, May 16, 2022

Mal Foster talks about the Therapeutic Use of Writing

Many people believe writing is only for authors, journalists, poets, bloggers etc., but it is there for all and if you suffer from a mental health issue, it can help. I have touched on my need for the therapeutic use of writing since I was around fifteen years old and most recently amplified this during the recent coronavirus pandemic on local radio. I believe we all come into life as potential writers and, as that famous saying goes, everyone does have a book in them, even if it is just their own story. 

Writing is beneficial because it can be therapeutic. Writing can harness our thoughts and feelings and act as a filter for the parts inside our minds, which we may choose, or not,  to share and discuss. 

Most of us speak in jingles, not complete sentences. In conversation, we are often interrupted. Whilst writing, we can, through creativity and imagination, complete a sentence and ultimately a whole story or poem. You will feel a sense of achievement or self-satisfaction—something you may not realise in everyday life, for example. 

Writing is an escape from reality. It has many genres and styles and is *FREE*. 

You may not think you are a writer. Don’t worry. Practice! You don’t even need to share your writing. Write a letter to yourself. Invent a character. They will become your friend. 

By writing, you will discover your inner self. You will find yourself speaking through your written words via an alternative dimension. You will even become the protagonist in your own story. In a sense, you will discover who you really are. When writing, you will believe some other entity is controlling you. You will discover this is your sub-conscience, your creative soul inside you! 

You can choose your comfort zone. Explore the genres until you find the one you want. If you don’t have the confidence to speak out loud, either to just one person or a crowd, writing will give you the vehicle to move forward. You can become an expert on your chosen subject by writing non-fiction. You can become the master of an invention by choosing to become a fiction author, for instance. 

What you write will become your identity, especially if you decide to publish. It will give you self-esteem and give you a healthier mind, body and spirit connection. You will find yourself creating a strong relationship between your inner profile and your body’s outward movement.

We all have emotions; a large number of us suffer from mental health issues. There are fears and worries, even memories that cause, stress, anxiety and depression. Writing can steer us away from these and offer some much-needed respite from our day to day demons. 

Writing can be a career or just a part-time hobbyist occupation. It can be incredibly powerful when wishing to express yourself. Embrace it and remember, that writing is therapy, and it could just save your life!

Did you know Mal runs a FREE low key ‘Writing as Therapy’ workshop? If you would like to learn more, send an email to

Meet Mal Foster

Mal will be signing copies of his latest novel, Fluke's Cradle', from 7pm ** TONIGHT **  (Monday 16 May) at the Garibaldi pub, High Street, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey DETAILS


1 comment:

Nithin RS said...

I started writing poetry when I was 14. I started blogging in 2007. For years, my blog was dormant. I was depressed for years. I wrote a lot about politics in last 7 years. Then I realised poetry can be my therapy. It has brought a lot of peace to mind.

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